- subforeman
- sub·foreman
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
subforeman — n., pl. subforemen. * * * … Universalium
subforeman — “+ noun Etymology: sub + foreman 1. : a supervisory employee subordinate to a foreman 2. : a member of a work crew functioning especially temporarily as a foreman : a working foreman * * * n., pl. subforemen … Useful english dictionary
Big Brother — Synonyms and related words: auditor, boatswain, boss, chief, comptroller, controller, floor manager, floorman, floorwalker, foreman, gaffer, ganger, head, headman, inspector, monitor, noncommissioned officer, overman, overseer, proctor, sirdar,… … Moby Thesaurus
auditor — Synonyms and related words: Big Brother, CA, CPA, accepter, accountant, accountant general, acquirer, actuary, addressee, audience, audient, autodidact, bank accountant, bank examiner, beholder, boatswain, bookkeeper, boss, bursar, calculator,… … Moby Thesaurus
boatswain — Synonyms and related words: Big Brother, OD, auditor, boss, captain, chief, chief engineer, chief mate, commander, comptroller, controller, deck officer, floor manager, floorman, floorwalker, foreman, gaffer, ganger, head, headman, inspector,… … Moby Thesaurus
boss — Synonyms and related words: A per se, Big Brother, OK, ace, ace high, administrator, anaglyph, ascendant, at the head, auditor, bad, bang up, bas relief, big cheese, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, boatswain, bonzer, bow, bubble, bulb, bulge,… … Moby Thesaurus
chief — Synonyms and related words: A per se, Big Brother, ace, achievement, acmatic, alerion, all absorbing, animal charge, annulet, anointed king, antecedent, anterior, apical, arch, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, ascendant, at the head,… … Moby Thesaurus
comptroller — Synonyms and related words: Big Brother, CA, CPA, accountant, accountant general, actuary, auditor, bank accountant, bank examiner, boatswain, bookkeeper, boss, bursar, calculator, cashier, cashkeeper, certified public accountant, chamberlain,… … Moby Thesaurus
controller — Synonyms and related words: Big Brother, CA, CPA, accountant, accountant general, actuary, auditor, bank accountant, bank examiner, boatswain, bookkeeper, boss, bursar, calculator, cashier, cashkeeper, certified public accountant, chamberlain,… … Moby Thesaurus
floorwalker — Synonyms and related words: Big Brother, agent, auditor, boatswain, boss, chief, clerk, comptroller, controller, floor manager, floorman, foreman, gaffer, ganger, head, headman, inspector, monitor, noncommissioned officer, overman, overseer,… … Moby Thesaurus