- subincision
- sub·incision
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
subincision — n. f. MED Incision de la partie inférieure d un organe. Subincision du prépuce. subincision [sybɛ̃sizjɔ̃] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de sub , et incision. ❖ ♦ Didact. Incision de la partie inférieure (spécialt, du prépuce). ⇒ Circoncision … Encyclopédie Universelle
subincision — [sub΄in sizh′ən] n. the practice, as among Australian Aboriginal peoples, of slitting the underside of the penis all or part of the length of the urethra as a puberty rite … English World dictionary
Subincision — La subincision consiste à fendre le pénis sous sa partie inférieure depuis le bout du gland jusqu au milieu de la verge. L aspect final de la verge est celui d une cicatrice non refermée. La subincision est pratiquée traditionnellement par… … Wikipédia en Français
Subincision — Subinzision ist die vollständige oder teilweise Spaltung der Harnröhre an der Unterseite des Penis. Es handelt sich dabei um eine rituelle Handlung, beispielsweise im Rahmen einer Initiationszeremonie, die darauf abzielt Männer physisch zu Frauen … Deutsch Wikipedia
subincision — /sub in sizh euhn/, n. the slitting of the underside of the penis to the urethra, performed as a puberty rite among some tribal peoples, esp. in Australia. [1895 1900; SUB + INCISION] * * * … Universalium
subincision — sub·in·ci·sion .səb in sizh ən n a ritual operation performed as a part of puberty rites among some Australasian peoples that involves slitting the underside of the penis with permanent opening of the urethra … Medical dictionary
subincision — n. incision made in the underside of the penis (rite of passage in some tribal cultures) … English contemporary dictionary
subincision — /sʌbɪnˈsɪʒən/ (say subin sizhuhn) noun the making of an incision in the urethra through the underside of the penis, a custom traditionally performed by some Aboriginal peoples and in certain other cultures …
subincision — “+ noun Etymology: sub + incision : a ritual mutilation performed as a part of puberty rites among some native Australian and Fijian groups that involves slitting the underside of the penis with permanent opening of the urethra … Useful english dictionary
Penile subincision — is a form of body modification consisting of a urethrotomy, in which the underside of the penis is incised and the urethra slit open lengthwise, from the urethral opening (meatus) toward the base. The slit can be of varying lengths.Subincision is … Wikipedia