- submarginally
- sub·marginally
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
submarginally — adverb see submarginal … Useful english dictionary
submarginal — submarginally, adv. /sub mahr jeuh nl/, adj. 1. Biol. near the margin. 2. below the margin. 3. not worth cultivating, as land; less than satisfactory; unproductive. [1820 30; SUB + MARGINAL] * * * … Universalium
Adiantum — Western Five fingered Fern (Adiantum aleuticum) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Delias descombesi — Redspot Jezebel Delias descombesi, Male, Dorsal side … Wikipedia
submarginal — /sʌbˈmadʒənəl/ (say sub mahjuhnuhl) adjective 1. Biology near the margin. 2. below the margin. 3. not worth cultivating, as land; unproductive. –submarginally, adverb …
submarginal — [sub mär′jə nəl] adj. 1. below minimum requirements or standards [submarginal housing] 2. not yielding a satisfactory return; not profitable [submarginal land] 3. Biol. near the margin of an organ or part submarginally adv … English World dictionary