

English syllables. 2014.

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  • sumed — súmed, ă, adj. (reg.) umed. Trimis de blaurb, 29.01.2007. Sursa: DAR …   Dicționar Român

  • Sumed-Pipeline —   [ paɪplaɪn; Kurzbezeichnung für englisch Suez Mediterranean Pipeline], Erdölleitung in Ägypten, von der Tankeranlegestelle Ain Suchna (Suchna) am Golf von Suez (Rotes Meer) über Heluan nach Sidi Krir …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Sumed pipeline — The Sumed pipeline (also known as Suez Mediterranean pipeline ) is a .The pipeline is owned by Arab Petroleum Pipeline Company, a joint venture of EGPC (50%, Egypt), Saudi Aramco (15%, Saudi Arabia), ADNOC (15% the United Arab Emirates), three… …   Wikipedia

  • Sumed Ibrahim — Football player infobox| playername= Sumed Ibrahim fullname = Sumed Ibrahim nickname = dateofbirth = birth date and age|1980|12|30 cityofbirth = Tamale countryofbirth = Ghana height = 5 9 currentclub = clubnumber = position = Midfielder… …   Wikipedia

  • SUMED — Suez Méditerranée. Oléoduc joignant Suez à Alexandrie …   Sigles et Acronymes francais

  • Oleoducto Sumed — El Oleoducto Sumed (o Oleoducto Suez Mediterráneo) es un oleoducto petrolero en Egipto que une la terminal de Ain Sukhna en el Golfo de Suez con Sidi Kerir[1] en el Mar Mediterráneo. Da una alternativa al Canal de Suez para el transporte de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • as|sumed — «uh SOOMD», adjective. 1. pretended; not real: »The famous stranger was traveling under the assumed name of Smith. SYNONYM(S): simulated. 2. supposed: »The assumed facts turned out to be untrue. 3. usurped: »The dictator soon lost his assumed… …   Useful english dictionary

  • self-as|sumed — «SEHLF uh SOOMD», adjective. assumed by one s own act or authority: »a self assumed title …   Useful english dictionary

  • Choke point — In military strategy, a choke point (or chokepoint) is a geographical feature on land such as a valley, defile or a bridge, or at sea such as a strait which an armed force is forced to pass, sometimes on a substantially narrower front, and… …   Wikipedia

  • PÉTROLE - Le transport — Malgré les variations de prix successives qu’il a connues depuis 1973, le pétrole conserve toujours dans le monde une place prépondérante, en tête des différentes sources d’énergie, voisine de 40 p. 100 pour l’année 1992. Cependant, en ce qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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