- superfrontal
- su·per·frontal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Superfrontal — Su per*fron tal, n. (Eccl.) A cloth which is placed over the top of an altar, and often hangs down a few inches over the frontal. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superfrontal — |süpə(r)+ noun Etymology: Medieval Latin superfrontalis, from Latin super + Medieval Latin frontale altar frontal, from Latin, ornament for the forehead more at frontal : a cloth which is placed over the top of an altar and hangs down a few… … Useful english dictionary
Metalwork — Metalwork in the Service of the Church † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Metalwork in the Service of the Church From the earliest days the Church has employed utensils and vessels of metal in its liturgical ceremonies … Catholic encyclopedia
Circunvolución — Encéfalo: Circunvoluciones del cerebro Superficie lateral del hemisferio cerebral izquierdo. Superf … Wikipedia Español
Circunvolución frontal media — Encéfalo: Circunvolución frontal media Hemisferio cerebral izquierdo: localización de la circunvolución frontal media. Latín gyrus frontalis medius ( … Wikipedia Español
Cisura (neuroanatomía) — Recibe el nombre de cisura (scissura) o fisura (fissura, del latín findere, «hender»[1] ) cualquier depresión o surco, normal o de otro tipo; especialmente un pliegue profundo en la corteza cerebral, que abarca todo el grosor de la pared del… … Wikipedia Español
altar-cloth — alˈtar cloth noun The covering of the altar, often including the frontal and the superfrontal • • • Main Entry: ↑altar … Useful english dictionary