- synoeciously
- syn·oe·cious·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
synoeciously — adverb see synoecious … Useful english dictionary
synoecious — [si nē′shəs] adj. 〚/span> SYN + Gr oikos, house (see ECO ) + OUS〛 Bot. 1. having male and female flowers in the same inflorescence … Universalium
synoicous — synoicously, synoeciously, adv. synoicousness, synoeciousness, n. /si noy keuhs/, adj. Bot. having male and female flowers on one head, as in many composite plants. Also, synecious, synoecious /si nee sheuhs/. [1860 65; < Gk sýnoikos dwelling in… … Universalium
synoecious — [si nē′shəs] adj. [< SYN + Gr oikos, house (see ECO ) + OUS] Bot. 1. having male and female flowers in the same inflorescence 2. having both antheridia and archegonia in the same cluster synoeciously adv … English World dictionary