

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Synoecism — or synœcism (Ancient Greek: συνοικισμóς) is the amalgamation of villages and small towns in Ancient Hellas into larger political units such as a single city. It is the process by which democracy in the Ancient Greek world originated and developed …   Wikipedia

  • synoecism — noun /sɪˈniːsɪzəm/ The unification of towns, tribes etc. under one capital city or polis …   Wiktionary

  • synoecism — …   Useful english dictionary

  • ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction       the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… …   Universalium

  • Olynthus — For the butterfly genus, see Olynthus (butterfly). Ruins of ancient Olynthus. Olynthus (Ancient Greek: Όλυνθος, named for the olunthos, a fig which ripens early; the area abounded in figs) was an ancient city of Chalcidice, built mostly …   Wikipedia

  • Municipium — (pl. municipia), the prototype of English municipality, was the Latin term for a town or city. Etymologically the municipium was a social contract between municipes, the duty holders, or citizens of the town. The duties, or munera, were a… …   Wikipedia

  • Eupatridae — (literally good fathered , i.e. offspring of noble fathers or the well born ) refers to the ancient nobility of the Greek region of Attica. Tradition ascribes to Theseus, whom it also regards as the author of the union ( synoecism ) of Attica… …   Wikipedia

  • Dioecism — Dioecism, dioikismos, dioecismus, can mean: Dioecism, the removal from a city of its formerly subordinate constituents, the opposite of Synoecism Dioecism, the botanical condition of being dioecious, dioecy Dioecism, a type of biological sex… …   Wikipedia

  • syn|oe|cize — «sih NEE syz», transitive verb, cized, ciz|ing. to unite into a city or community. ╂[< Greek synoikízein, see etym. under synoecism (Cf. ↑synoecism)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Athena — Athene , Athina and Pallas Athena all redirect here. For other uses, see Athena (disambiguation), Athene (disambiguation), Athina (disambiguation) and Pallas Athena (disambiguation) Athena …   Wikipedia

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