- tablespoonful
- ta·ble·spoon·ful
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Tablespoonful — Ta ble*spoon ful, n.; pl. {Tablespoonfuls}. As much as a tablespoon will hold; enough to fill a tablespoon. It is usually reckoned as one half of a fluid ounce, or four fluid drams. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tablespoonful — has the plural form tablespoonfuls, but in practice the type three tablespoons of is more usual … Modern English usage
tablespoonful — [tā′b lspo͞on΄fool] n. pl. tablespoonfuls as much as a tablespoon will hold … English World dictionary
tablespoonful — [[t]te͟ɪb(ə)lspuːnfʊl[/t]] tablespoonfuls N COUNT: usu N of n (tablespoonsful can also be used as the plural form.) You can refer to an amount of food resting on a tablespoon as a tablespoonful of food. Grate a tablespoonful of fresh ginger into… … English dictionary
tablespoonful — noun (plural tablespoonfuls; also tablespoonsful) Date: 1772 1. enough to fill a tablespoon 2. tablespoon 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
tablespoonful — /tay beuhl spoohn fool /, n., pl. tablespoonfuls. 1. the amount a tablespoon can hold. 2. a volumetric measure equal to 1/2 fluid ounce (14.8 ml), or three teaspoonfuls. Abbr.: T., tbs., tbsp. [1765 75; TABLESPOON + FUL] Usage. See ful. * * * … Universalium
tablespoonful — noun The level capacity a standard (15 milliliter) tablespoon can hold. Three teaspoonsful … Wiktionary
tablespoonful — ta·ble·spoon·ful .tā bəl spün .fu̇l, tā bəl . n, pl ta·ble·spoon·fuls .fu̇lz also ta·ble·spoons·ful spünz .fu̇l, .spünz TABLESPOON … Medical dictionary
tablespoonful — See ful and spoonful … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
tablespoonful — n. amount a tablespoon can hold … English contemporary dictionary
tablespoonful — noun plural tablespoonfuls, tablespoonsful (C) the amount that a tablespoon holds (+ of): two tablespoonsful of flour … Longman dictionary of contemporary English