

English syllables. 2014.

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  • tabularly — See tabular. * * * …   Universalium

  • tabularly — adverb tabulated, in a tabular fashion, in tabular form, in tables …   Wiktionary

  • tabularly — adv. in the form of a table or list …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tabularly — adverb see tabular …   Useful english dictionary

  • tabular — tabularly, adv. /tab yeuh leuhr/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or arranged in a table or systematic arrangement by columns, rows, etc., as statistics. 2. ascertained from or computed by the use of tables. 3. having the form of a table, tablet, or… …   Universalium

  • tabulate — tabulable, adj. tabulation, n. v. /tab yeuh layt /; adj. /tab yeuh lit, layt /, v., tabulated, tabulating, adj. v.t. 1. to put or arrange in a tabular, systematic, or condensed form; formulate tabularly. v.i. 2. tab1 (def. 14). adj. 3. shaped… …   Universalium

  • tabular — [ tabjʊlə] adjective 1》 (of data) consisting of or presented in columns or tables. 2》 broad and flat like the top of a table.     ↘(of a crystal) relatively broad and thin, with two well developed parallel faces. Derivatives tabularly adverb… …   English new terms dictionary

  • tabular — /ˈtæbjələ / (say tabyuhluh) adjective 1. relating to or of the nature of a table or tabulated arrangement. 2. ascertained from or computed by the use of tables. 3. having the form of a table, tablet, or tablature. 4. flat and expansive. {Latin… …  

  • tabulate — verb (tabulated, tabulating) –verb (t) /ˈtæbjəleɪt / (say tabyuhlayt) 1. to put or form into a table, scheme, or synopsis; formulate tabularly. –verb (i) /ˈtæbjəleɪt / (say tabyuhlayt) 2. to operate or set the tab key on a typewriter. –adjective… …  

  • tabular — [tab′yə lər] adj. [L tabularis < tabula, a board, tablet: see TABLE] 1. having a tablelike surface; flat [tabular rock] 2. a) of or arranged in a table or tabulated scheme b) computed from or calculated by such a table or tables tabularly adv …   English World dictionary

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