- tagm
- syn·tagm;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Tag — Tagm 1.TagderBefreiung=TagderEhescheidung.1930ff,Jurastudenten. 2.TagderinnerenEinkehr=Tag,andemmandenGeschlechtsverkehrausübt.EigentlichderTagderBesinnung;hierAnspielungaufdieEinführungdesmännlichenGliedsindieScheide.1960ff. 3.TagderEntscheidung … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
tagma — [ tagmə] noun (plural tagmata mətə) Zoology a distinct region of a segmented body, e.g. the head, thorax, or abdomen of an insect. Origin early 20th cent.: from Gk, lit. something arranged , from tassein set in order … English new terms dictionary
Jerald and Sandra Tanner — Jerald D. Tanner (June 1, 1938 mdash;October 1, 2006) was an American writer and researcher who, with his wife Sandra McGee Tanner (born January 14, 1941) spent nearly fifty years annotating and publishing archival and evidentiary materials which … Wikipedia
SYNTAGME — Le concept de syntagme, dans les théories structurales de la linguistique, s’oppose à paradigme et renvoie à la succession chronologique des unités mises en œuvre dans l’énoncé réalisé: au sens étroit, «renverrons» est un syntagme, car il… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gary Chapman (author) — Gary Chapman is a minister, relationship counselor, and author of the Five Love Languages series. He is the director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. He also has a radio program on marriage that airs on over 100 stations.He is a… … Wikipedia
Prophecies of Joseph Smith, Jr. — Joseph Smith Jr., the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, is viewed as a prophet in the tradition of the ancient prophets recorded in the Bible by members of the Latter Day Saint movement. This article examines some of the prophecies… … Wikipedia
tagmeme — /tag meem/, n. Ling. the basic unit of grammatical analysis in tagmemics, consisting of a correlation between a grammatical function and the class of items that can occur in that function. Cf. filler (def. 9), slot1 (def. 3). [1930 35; < Gk… … Universalium
Thomas Wharton junior — (* 1735 im Chester County, Pennsylvania; † 23. Mai 1778 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1777 und 1778 war er der erste Präsident von Pennsylvania. Werdegang Das genaue Geburtsdatum sowie der genaue… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Prachantakham — Original name in latin Prachantakham Name in other language Amphoe Prachantakham, Ban Kob Chae, Ban Prachantakham, Mueang Prachantakham, Prachan Tagam, Prachan Tagm, Prachantakham, pracantkham State code TH Continent/City Asia/Bangkok longitude… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
tagmă — TÁGMĂ, tagme, s.f. Totalitatea persoanelor care aparţin aceleiaşi categorii profesionale sau sociale; breaslă; ceată. ♦ (peior.) Clică, gaşcă. – Din ngr. tághma. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 TÁGMĂ s. 1. v. breaslă. 2. rând … Dicționar Român