- technicalization
- tech·ni·cal·iza·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
technicalization — noun see technicalize … New Collegiate Dictionary
technicalization — ˌteknə̇kələ̇ˈzāshən noun ( s) Etymology: technicalize + ation : the action of making technical … Useful english dictionary
Kitchen — For other uses, see Kitchen (disambiguation). A modern Western kitchen A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation. In the West, a modern residential kitchen is typically equipped with a stove, a sink with hot and… … Wikipedia
technicalize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1852 to give a technical slant to • technicalization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Regine Kollek — (* 1950) ist eine deutsche Wissenschaftlerin und Expertin für Bioethik mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Reproduktionsmedizin und der Technologiefolgenabschätzung moderner Biotechnologien. Regine Kollek ist Mitglied im Deutschen Ethikrat.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Islāmic world — Introduction prehistory and history of the Islamic community. Adherence to Islām is a global phenomenon: Muslims predominate in some 30 to 40 countries, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and along a belt that stretches across northern… … Universalium
tech|ni|cal|i|za|tion — «TEHK nuh kuh luh ZAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act or process of technicalizing: »He said this cooperation was necessary as a balance against the growing “technicalization” of the Common Market (London Times). 2. the state of being technicalized … Useful english dictionary