- tectospondylous
- tec·to·spon·dy·lous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
tectospondylous — a type of vertebral centra (and arches) with several concentric ossifications instead of just one, extending to the chordacentrum, arcocentrum and autocentrum. Found in skates and rays … Dictionary of ichthyology
tectospondylous — adjective see tectospondylic … Useful english dictionary
vertebra — (plural vertebrae)) bony or cartilaginous elements surrounding the notochord or replacing it and often protecting the spinal cord and caudal vein. Vertebrae are composed of a centrum formed from two pleurocentra and two intercentra or parts of… … Dictionary of ichthyology
vertebra tectospondyla — (plural vertebrae tectospondylae)) tectospondylous vertebra (vertebral centra (and arches) with several concentric ossifications instead of just one, extending to the chordacentrum, arcocentrum and autocentrum. Found in skates and rays) … Dictionary of ichthyology