- teled
- lin·teled;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
i-teled — ME. pa. pple. of till v … Useful english dictionary
LEVIRATE MARRIAGE AND ḤALIẒAḤ. — Definition Levirate marriage (Heb. יִבּוּם; yibbum) is the marriage between a widow whose husband died without offspring (the yevamah) and the brother of the deceased (the yavam or levir), as prescribed in Deuteronomy 25:5–6: „ If brethren dwell… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
hostel — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin hospitale hospice Date: 14th century 1. inn 2. a. chiefly British a supervised institutional residence b. a supervised lodging for usually young travelers called also youth … New Collegiate Dictionary
lin — ace·tyl·cho·lin·esterase; ac glob·u·lin; Adren·a·lin; al·ka·lin·i·ty; al·ka·lin·i·za·tion; al·ka·lin·ize; al·lin·eate; al·lin·eation; amy·e·lin·ic; amyg·da·lin; anas·pa·lin; ani·lin·gus; an·i·lin·ism; an·thra·lin; an·ti·cho·lin·es·ter·ase;… … English syllables
linteled — lin·teled … English syllables
hostel — hos•tel [[t]ˈhɒs tl[/t]] n. v. teled, tel•ing (esp. brit.) telled, tel•ling. 1) an inexpensive, supervised lodging place for young travelers 2) an inn 3) to travel, lodging each night at a hostel • Etymology: 1200–50; ME (h)ostel < OF < ML… … From formal English to slang
hos|tel — «HOS tuhl», noun, verb, teled, tel|ing. –n. 1. a lodging place, especially a supervised lodging place for young people on bicycle trips, hikes, or other outings; inn; hotel. 2. a residence hall in a British university, especially one for students … Useful english dictionary