- ter-foot
- wa·ter-foot;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
water-foot — wa·ter foot … English syllables
Széll Kálmán tér — Széll Kálmán Square Széll Kálmán tér (Széll Kálmán Square, formerly Moszkva tér, Moscow Square) is a square in Budapest. It is one of the city s busiest transport interchanges (comparable to Móricz Zsigmond körtér farther south), which is served… … Wikipedia
Ibusz - Buda Castle foot studio — (Будапешт,Венгрия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 1024 Будапешт, Széna tér … Каталог отелей
But|ter|cup — «BUHT uhr KUHP», noun. a common plant with bright yellow flowers shaped like cups. The buttercup belongs to the crowfoot family. Its deeply divided leaves resemble a crow s foot. But|ter|cup «BUHT uhr KUHP», noun. a breed of chicken developed in… … Useful english dictionary
but|ter|cup — «BUHT uhr KUHP», noun. a common plant with bright yellow flowers shaped like cups. The buttercup belongs to the crowfoot family. Its deeply divided leaves resemble a crow s foot. But|ter|cup «BUHT uhr KUHP», noun. a breed of chicken developed in… … Useful english dictionary
but|ter|ball — «BUHT uhr BL», noun. 1. U.S. Informal. a small, plump person: »Willie Pastrano was a fat little five foot butterball (Time). 2. = bufflehead. (Cf. ↑bufflehead) … Useful english dictionary
fet|ter|lock — «FEHT uhr lok», noun. 1. = fetlock. (Cf. ↑fetlock) 2. a shackle for a horse s leg or foot … Useful english dictionary
in|ter|dig|it|al — «IHN tuhr DIHJ uh tuhl», adjective. between or joining fingers or toes: »The webbing of a duck s foot is interdigital … Useful english dictionary
mo|nom|e|ter — «muh NOM uh tuhr», noun. 1. a line of poetry having one foot. 2. (in Greek and Latin poetry) a verse containing one dipody (two feet). ╂[< Late Latin monometrus < Greek monómetros < mónos single + métron a measure] … Useful english dictionary
pe|dom|e|ter — «pih DOM uh tuhr», noun. an instrument for recording the number of steps taken by the person who carries it and thus measuring the distance traveled. ╂[< French pédomètre < Latin pēs, pedis foot + Greek métron measure] … Useful english dictionary