

English syllables. 2014.

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  • bedaux — ● bedaux nom masculin (du nom de son inventeur, Charles Bedaux [vers 1887 1944]) Unité de mesure de la quantité de travail qu un travailleur manuel peut fournir en une minute pendant 8 heures par jour. ● bedaux (homonymes) nom masculin (du nom de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bedaux-System —   [bə do , französisch], erstmals 1916 in den USA von dem amerikanischen Unternehmensberater Charles E. Bedaux (* 1887, ✝ 1944) angewendetes Arbeitsbewertungs , Zeitstudien und Prämienlohnsystem. In Deutschland verbreitete es sich Ende der 1920er …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Bedaux Expedition — [ Peace River Country (August 1934)] The Bedaux Expedition also named the Bedaux Canadian Subarctic Expedition was an attempt by eccentric French millionaire, Charles Eugène Bedaux to cross the British Columbia wilderness, while making a movie,… …   Wikipedia

  • Bedaux, Charles Eugene — ▪ American efficiency engineer born Oct. 26, 1887, Charonton, near Paris, France died Feb. 18, 1944, Miami, Fla., U.S.       French born American efficiency engineer who developed the Bedaux plan for measuring and compensating industrial labour.… …   Universalium

  • bedaux system — bə̇ˈdō noun also bedaux plan Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: after Charles E. Bedaux died 1944 French efficiency engineer in United States : point system * * * /beuh doh / a system of payment for work on the basis of the number of points… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bedaux system — /beuh doh / a system of payment for work on the basis of the number of points of work done in a given amount of time, each point representing one minute of work on a given job at a normal rate of speed. Also called Bedaux plan, point system.… …   Universalium

  • Bedaux system — noun see point system * * * /beuh doh / a system of payment for work on the basis of the number of points of work done in a given amount of time, each point representing one minute of work on a given job at a normal rate of speed. Also called… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bedaux plan — noun see bedaux system …   Useful english dictionary

  • bedaux — be·daux …   English syllables

  • Charles Bedaux — Bedaux mit seiner Filmcrew in Kanada, 1934 Charles Eugène Bedaux (* 26. Oktober 1886 in Paris; † 18. Februar 1944 in Miami) war einer der schillerndsten Millionäre des frühen zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Er entwickelte erfolgreich das auf Frederick… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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