- thyroepiglottic
- thy·ro·epiglottic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Thyroepiglottic ligament — Infobox Ligament Name = PAGENAME Latin = ligamentum thyroepiglotticum GraySubject = 236 GrayPage = 1075 Caption = Caption2 = From = To = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = l 09 DorlandsSuf = 12493357 The free extremity of the epiglottis is… … Wikipedia
Thyroepiglottic muscle — Infobox Muscle Name = PAGENAME Latin = pars thyroepiglottica musculi thyroarytenoidei GraySubject = 236 GrayPage = 1083 Caption = Muscles of the larynx, seen from above. Caption2 = Origin = Insertion = Blood = Nerve = Action = Antagonist =… … Wikipedia
thyroepiglottic — Relating to the thyroid cartilage and the epiglottis. * * * thy·ro·epi·glot·tic (thi″ro ep″ĭ glotґik) pertaining to the thyroid and to the epiglottis … Medical dictionary
thyroepiglottic — “+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary thyr + epiglottic : connecting the thyroid cartilage and epiglottis … Useful english dictionary
thyroepiglottic ligament — thy·ro·epi·glot·tic ligament .thī rō .ep ə .glät ik n a long narrow ligamentous cord connecting the thyroid cartilage and epiglottis * * * ligamentum thyro epiglotticum … Medical dictionary
thyroepiglottic muscle — pars thyroepiglottica musculi thyroarytenoidei … Medical dictionary
Muscle — is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. There are three types of muscle in the body. Muscle which is responsible for moving extremities and external areas of the body is called "skeletal muscle." Heart… … Medical dictionary
Thyroarytenoid muscle — Infobox Muscle Name = PAGENAME Latin = musculus thyroarytenoideus GraySubject = 236 GrayPage = 1083 Caption = Muscles of the larynx, seen from above. Origin = Inner surface of the thyroid cartilage (anterior aspect) Insertion = Anterior surface… … Wikipedia
Muscles of larynx — Muscles of larynx. Side view. Right lamina of thyroid cartilage removed. Latin musculi laryngis Gray s … Wikipedia
part — A portion. SYN: pars [TA]. abdominal p. of aorta SYN: abdominal aorta. abdominal p. of esophagus [TA] the portion of the esophagus from where it passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. See … Medical dictionary