- torqu
- torqu·er;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
torqu´er — torque «trk», noun, verb, torqued, torqu|ing. –n. 1. a force causing rotation or torsion. 2. Physics. the moment of a system of forces causing rotation: »The power produced by an automobile engine consists of speed and torque. 3. a necklace of… … Useful english dictionary
torqu — e, i (L). Twist … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
torquer — torqu·er … English syllables
torquing — torqu·ing (torkґing) the twisting of a tooth into position, as in the correction of malposition … Medical dictionary
List of Latin words with English derivatives — This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English (and other modern languages). Ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u and v. Many modern works distinguish u from v but not i from j. In this article both… … Wikipedia
Albert Torqueau — Albert Torquéau Albert Torquéau (1920 à Rostrenen, France 1944 à Garzonval en Plougonver, France) était professeur de collège et chef d un groupe de résistants français. Il fut fait prisonnier au cours d un ratissage et torturé, pour être fusillé … Wikipédia en Français
Gundulitsch — Gundulitsch, Iwan, serbischer Dichter, geb. 1588 in Ragusa, studirte die Rechte, gelangte sehr bald zu hohen Staatsämtern u. st. 1638; er schr. das epische Gedicht: Die Osmanide, Ragusa 1622, Agram 1844, u. die Dramen: Ariadne, Kleopatra, Adonis … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
retort — retort1 retorter, n. /ri tawrt /, v.t. 1. to reply to, usually in a sharp or retaliatory way; reply in kind to. 2. to return (an accusation, epithet, etc.) upon the person uttering it. 3. to answer (an argument or the like) by another to the… … Universalium
torquate — /tawr kwit, kwayt/, adj. Zool. ringed about the neck, as with feathers or a color; collared. [1655 65; < L torquatus adorned with a necklace, equiv. to torqu(es) twisted neck chain + atus ATE1] * * * … Universalium
torques — /tawr kweez/, n. Zool. a ringlike band or formation about the neck, as of feathers, hair, or integument of distinctive color or appearance; a collar. [1560 70; < L torques twisted necklace or collar, equiv. to torqu(ere) to twist (akin to Gk… … Universalium