- totemically
- to·tem·i·cal·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
totemically — adverb In a totemic manner; with regard to totems … Wiktionary
totemically — adverb see totemic … Useful english dictionary
Kavirondo — is the former name of the region surrounding Kavirondo Gulf (now Winam Gulf) as well as of two native peoples living there under the regime of British East Africa (The Nilotic Kavirondo and the Bantu Kavirondo ). Broadly, this was defined as… … Wikipedia
totem — totemic /toh tem ik/, adj. totemically, adv. /toh teuhm/, n. 1. a natural object or an animate being, as an animal or bird, assumed as the emblem of a clan, family, or group. 2. an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or sib considers … Universalium