- toxophilitic
- tox·oph·i·lit·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
toxophilitic — adjective see toxophilite II * * * toxophilitˈic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑toxophilite … Useful english dictionary
toxophilite — toxophilitic /tok sof euh lit ik/, adj. toxophily, n. /tok sof euh luyt /, n. a devotee of archery; archer. [1785 95; Toxophil(us) bow lover (coined by Roger Ascham in his 1545 book so entitled < Gk tóxo(n) bow + philos PHILE) + ITE1] * * * … Universalium
toxophilite — /tɒkˈsɒfəlaɪt/ (say tok sofuhluyt) noun a devotee of archery; archer. {Toxophilus (coined Greek proper name: bow lover) + ite1} –toxophilitic /tɒkˌsɒfəˈlɪtɪk/ (say tok.sofuh litik), adjective –toxophily, noun …
toxophilite — [täk säf′ə līt΄] n. [< Toxophilus, title of a book (1545) by ASCHAM Roger < Gr toxon, a bow + philos, loving + ITE1] a person who is especially fond of archery toxophilitic [täks äf΄əlit′ik] adj. toxophily [täks äf΄əlē] n … English World dictionary