- transumption
- tran·sump·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Transumption — Tran*sump tion, n. [L. transumptio.] Act of taking from one place to another. [R.] South. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transumption — (p)shən noun ( s) Etymology: Medieval Latin transumption , transumptio transcription, from Latin, transferal of terms, from transumptus (past participle of transumere to take from one to another, from trans + sumere to take, from sub up + emere… … Useful english dictionary
Twelfth century (The) — The twelfth century John Marenbon INTRODUCTION The twelfth century began and ended with events which mark it off, at least symbolically, as a discrete period in the history of Western philosophy. It was in about 1100 that Abelard the most wide… … History of philosophy
Metalepsis — The moth genus Metalepsis is nowadays usually included in Cerastis. Metalepsis (from Greek Μετάληψις) is a figure of speech in which one thing is referred to by something else which is only remotely associated with it. Often the association works … Wikipedia
transume — verb To change, convert See Also: transumption … Wiktionary
Transference — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Transference >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 transfer transfer transference Sgm: N 1 translocation translocation elocation| Sgm: N 1 displacement displacement Sgm: N 1 metastasis metastasis metathesis Sgm: N … English dictionary for students
poetry — It is a commonly acknowledged truism that reading and writing poetry are both valued and difficult exercises. Poetry has an important cultural position because it is often manifestly difficult, made so by the apparent obscurity of its… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
transume — /tran sūmˈ, trän , zūmˈ/ transitive verb (obsolete) To transcribe officially ORIGIN: L trān(s)sūmere to transcribe, from sūmere to take • • • transumpt / sumtˈ/ noun A copy of a legal document transumption / sumˈshən/ noun 1. Transcription 2.… … Useful english dictionary