- trary
- reg·is·trary;ar·bi·trary;con·trary;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ar·bi·trary — … Useful english dictionary
arbitrary — ar·bi·trary / är bə ˌtrer ē/ adj 1: depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by standards, rules, or law the manner of punishment is arbitrary 2 a: not restrained or limited in the exercise of power an arbitrary government … Law dictionary
FORTUIJN (FORTUYN), Pim (Wilhelmus Simon Petrus) — (1948–2002) Sociologist and politician. After his studies at the Free University of Amsterdam, Fortuijn lectured at, among others, the uni versities of Groningen and Rotterdam, in the latter city as extraordi nary professor of employment… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
THORBECKE, Johan Rudolf — (1798–1872) Statesman and his torian. Thorbecke became professor of law at Leiden University in 1831. During his studies in Germany, he was influenced by the His torical School of Friedrich Karl von Savigny (1779–1861), as evi denced in… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
Roy, Raja Rammohun — (1772–1833) founder of Brahmo Samaj Rammohun Roy was a central figure in the Bengal Renaissance of the late 19th century and the founder of the reform movement BRAHMO SAMAJ. He was born in Radhanagar, Bengal, on May 22, 1772, to a… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
nonarbitrary — non·ar·bi·trary /ˌnän är bə ˌtrer ē/ adj: not arbitrary Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
arbitrary — ar·bi·trary … English syllables
con — con·acre; con·cat·e·nate; con·cave; con·ceal·er; con·ceit; con·cen·trate; con·cen·tra·tor; con·cen·tric; con·cep·tual; con·cern; con·cern·ing; con·cert; con·cer·tante; con·cer·ti·na; con·ces·sion·ary; con·cha; con·cin·nate; con·com·i·tant;… … English syllables
contrary — con·trary … English syllables
is — is·ti·o·phor·i·dae; is·ti·oph·o·rus; is·tle; jan·is·sary; jar·gon·is·tic; jef·fer·is·ite; jour·nal·is·tic; kak·is·toc·ra·cy; kar·y·or·rhex·is; la·bor·is·tic; le·gal·is·tic; leg·is·late; leg·is·la·tion; leg·is·la·tive·ly; leg·is·la·tor;… … English syllables