- trichotomy
- tri·chot·o·my
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Trichotomy — Tri*chot o*my, n. [Gr. tri cha threefold, in three parts + te mnein to cut or divide: cf. F. trichotomie.] Division into three parts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trichotomy — [trī kät′ə mē] n. [Gr tricha, threefold (< treis,THREE), after DICHOTOMY] division into three parts, elements, groups, etc. trichotomize [trī kät′əmīz΄] vt. trichotomized, trichotomizing trichotomous adj. trichotomously adv … English World dictionary
Trichotomy — A trichotomy is a splitting into three parts, and, apart from its normal literal meaning, can refer to: * trichotomy (mathematics), in the mathematical field of order theory * trichotomy (philosophy), for the idea that man has a threefold nature… … Wikipedia
Trichotomy (mathematics) — Generally, a trichotomy is a splitting into three disjoint parts. In mathematics, the law (or axiom) of trichotomy is most commonly the statement that for any (real) numbers x and y , exactly one of the following relations holds::xy.If applied to … Wikipedia
trichotomy property — Math. the property that for natural numbers a and b, either a is less than b, a equals b, or a is greater than b. Also called law of trichotomy, trichotomy law, trichotomy principle. * * * … Universalium
trichotomy property — Math. the property that for natural numbers a and b, either a is less than b, a equals b, or a is greater than b. Also called law of trichotomy, trichotomy law, trichotomy principle … Useful english dictionary
Trichotomy (philosophy) — In the fields of theology, and in philosophy, trichotomy is the belief that man consists of three parts; a body, soul, and spirit. This stands in stark contrast to dichotomy. See also * Holy Trinity … Wikipedia
trichotomy — noun (plural mies) Date: 1610 division into three parts, elements, or classes … New Collegiate Dictionary
trichotomy — trichotomic /trik euh tom ik/, trichotomous, adj. trichotomously, adv. /tri kot euh mee/, n., pl. trichotomies. 1. division into three parts, classes, categories, etc. 2. an instance of such a division, as in thought, structure, or object. 3. the … Universalium
trichotomy — noun /tɹaɪˈkɒt.ə.mi,tɹaɪˈkɑt.ə.mi/ a) Division or separation into three groups or pieces. b) the following property of an order relation (e.g., less than ): for any two elements (of a given algebraic structure) there are exactly three… … Wiktionary
trichotomy — A division into three parts. [G. trichia, threefold, + tome, a cutting] … Medical dictionary