- trived
- con·trived;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
con|trived — «kuhn TRYVD», adjective. produced by contrivance; characterized by artifice or craft; not natural; artificial: »The other announcers…indulged in the usual synthetic hoopla and contrived excitement (New York Times). –con|triv´ed|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
un|con|trived — «UHN kuhn TRYVD», adjective. 1. not worked out beforehand; unplanned; unpremeditated: »uncontrived events. 2. not artificial; natural; artless: »uncontrived mirth … Useful english dictionary
Malabar Trogon — Male H. f. malabaricus Conservation status … Wikipedia
Bretannische Sprache — Bretannische Sprache, zu dem kymrischen Zweig der celtischen Sprachen (s.d.) gehörig, wird in der Niederbretagne, dem alten Armorika (daher auch Armorikanische Sprache), gesprochen u. zerfällt in die Dialekte von Léon, Tréguier, Vannes u.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
contrived — I (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY WORD) a. [kun TRIVED] overly planned or designed, with a forced or unnatural effect. The unlikely coincidences in the plot made the story seem contrived. SYN.: forced, unnatural, unspontaneous, labored,… … English dictionary for students
contrived — con|trived [kənˈtraıvd] adj seeming false and not natural ▪ The characters are as contrived as the plot … Dictionary of contemporary English
contrived — con|trived [ kən traıvd ] adjective false or artificial … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
truehearted — adj 1. faithful, loyal, true blue, true, trustworthy, trusty, tried and true; reliable, dependable, stalwart, staunch, unwavering, unswerving, firm, stable; generous, good hearted, kindly, without a mean bone in one s body. 2. sincere, open, open … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
contrived — con·trived … English syllables
contrive — con•trive [[t]kənˈtraɪv[/t]] v. trived, triv•ing 1) to plan with ingenuity; devise; invent: to contrive a means of escape[/ex] 2) to bring about by a plan, scheme, etc.; manage: He contrived to gain their votes[/ex] 3) to plot (evil, treachery,… … From formal English to slang