

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Troi — can refer to:* Deanna Troi, fictional character in the Star Trek universe * Lwaxana Troi, fictional character in the television series and * Ménage à Troi, episode from the third season of …   Wikipedia

  • Troi — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Radu Troi (* 1949), rumänischer Fußballspieler Troi ist der Name folgender fiktiver Personen: Counselor Deanna Troi, Figur aus Star Trek Diese Seite ist eine Be …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • troi|ka — «TROY kuh», noun. 1. a Russian carriage, wagon, or sleigh, pulled by three horses harnessed abreast. 2. such a vehicle together with the horses pulling it. 3. (in Russia) a team of three horses. 4. Figurative. a triumvirate: »By the time Lenin… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Troi|lus — «TROY luhs, TROH ih », noun. 1. Greek Legend. a warrior, the son of King Priam of Troy. He was killed by Achilles. 2. Medieval Legend. this warrior represented as the lover of Cressida …   Useful english dictionary

  • TROI — Technischer Regierungsoberinspektor EN senior government technical inspector …   Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen

  • troi·ka — /ˈtroıkə/ noun, pl kas [count] : a group of three people, things, countries, etc. a troika of judges A troika of countries signed the agreement …   Useful english dictionary

  • Deanna Troi — Commander Deanna Troi Species Half Betazoid (maternal) Half human (paternal) Home planet Betazed Affiliation United Federati …   Wikipedia

  • Nguyen Van Troi — moments before being shot Born ca. 1947 Died October 15, 1964 (aged 17) Conviction( …   Wikipedia

  • Ménage à Troi — Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Riker, Lwaxana Troi and Deanna Troi are held captive …   Wikipedia

  • Deanna Troi — est un personnage appartenant à l univers de Star Trek. Elle est l un des principaux officiers de l Enterprise D dans les sept saisons successives de Star Trek : La nouvelle génération ainsi que dans les quatre films faisant suite à cette série.… …   Wikipédia en Français

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