- trophozoite
- troph·o·zo·ite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Trophozoite — Trophozoïte Un trophozoïte (du grec trope, alimentation zôon, animal) est l’étape d alimentation active dans le cycle de vie des parasites protozoaires tel le Plasmodium responsable de la malaria (l opposé de l état de trophozoïte est la forme à… … Wikipédia en Français
trophozoite — [träf΄ə zō′īt΄] n. [ TROPHO + ZO + ITE1] a protozoan, esp. of certain parasitic species, in the feeding and growing stage in contrast with the reproductive and infective stages … English World dictionary
Trophozoite — A trophozoite (G. trope , nourishment + zoon , animal) is the activated, feeding stage in the life cycle of protozoan parasites such as the malaria causing Plasmodium falciparum (the opposite of the trophozoite state is the thick walled cyst… … Wikipedia
Trophozoïte — Un trophozoïte (du grec trophê, nourriture zôon, animal) est l’étape d alimentation active dans le cycle de vie des parasites protozoaires tel le Plasmodium responsable de la malaria (l opposé de l état de trophozoïte est la forme à parois… … Wikipédia en Français
trophozoite — The ameboid, vegetative, asexual form of certain Sporozoea, such as the schizont of the plasmodia of malaria and related parasites. [tropho + G. zoon, animal] * * * tro·pho·zo·ite .trō fə zō .īt n a protozo … Medical dictionary
trophozoite — n. a stage in the life cycle of the malarial parasite (Plasmodium) that develops from a merozoite in the red blood cells. The trophozoite, which has a ring shaped body and a single nucleus, grows steadily at the expense of the blood cell;… … The new mediacal dictionary
trophozoite — noun Etymology: troph + zo + 1 ite Date: circa 1909 a protozoan of a vegetative form as distinguished from one of a reproductive or resting form … New Collegiate Dictionary
trophozoite — (trof o zo aīt) The active, motile feeding stage of a protozoan organism; in the malarial parasite, the stage of schizogony between the ring stage and the schizont … Dictionary of microbiology
trophozoite — The feeding stage of a protozoan (as distinct from reproductive or encysted stages) … Dictionary of molecular biology
trophozoite — /trof euh zoh uyt, troh feuh /, n. Zool. a protozoan in the metabolically active growth stage. [1905 10; TROPHO + ZO(ON) + ITE1] * * * … Universalium
trophozoite — noun A protozoan in the feeding stage of its life cycle … Wiktionary