- benefact
- ben·e·fact
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
benefact — v. help as a benefactor … English contemporary dictionary
benefact — verb help as a benefactor The father benefacted his daughter in more ways than she was aware of • Derivationally related forms: ↑benefaction • Hypernyms: ↑help, ↑assist, ↑aid • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
Angelique Bouchard Collins — Angelique Bouchard Collins, usually known as simply Angelique, was a villainess on the TV Gothic horror soap opera Dark Shadows . She is primarily portrayed as a powerful witch driven by her vacillating love and hatred for the series eventual… … Wikipedia
List of English back-formations — Back formation refers to either the process of creating a new lexeme (less precisely, a new word ) by removing actual or supposed affixes, or to the neologism formed by such a process. Back formations are shortened words created from longer words … Wikipedia
Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche (Frankfurt (Oder)) — Kirche Heilig Kreuz 2009 … Deutsch Wikipedia
benefactive — /ben euh fak tiv/, Ling. adj. 1. of or pertaining to a linguistic form, case, or semantic role that denotes the person or persons for whom an action is performed, as for his son in He opened the door for his son. n. 2. a benefactive form or case … Universalium
endow — v 1. bestow, present, give, gift, confer, proffer, Archaic. propine; will, leave, pass down, Law. bequeath, Law. devise, dower; grant, allot, subsidize, award; benefact, largess, donate, contribute, offer. 2. enrich, invest, endue, furnish,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
aid — [n1] help, support advancement, advice, advocacy, alleviation, allowance, assist, assistance, attention, backing, backup, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, bounty, care, charity, comfort, compensation, cooperation, deliverance, encouragement,… … New thesaurus
aide — aid [n1] help, support advancement, advice, advocacy, alleviation, allowance, assist, assistance, attention, backing, backup, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, bounty, care, charity, comfort, compensation, cooperation, deliverance, encouragement … New thesaurus
do for — [v1] destroy defeat, deprive, finish, kill, ruin, shatter, slaughter, slay; concepts 238,252 Ant. bear, create do for [v2] help abet, aid, assist, benefact, care for, help out, lend a hand*, look after, provide for, steady, support; concept 110… … New thesaurus