- truf
- truf·fle;truf·fled;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
truf|fled — «TRUHF uhld, TROOF ; TROO fuhld», adjective. cooked, garnished, or stuffed with truffles … Useful english dictionary
truf|fle — «TRUHF uhl, TROO fuhl», noun. 1. a fungus that grows underground and is valued as food. It has a black, warty exterior and varies in size between that of a walnut and that of a potato. Truffles are native to central and southern Europe. 2. a soft … Useful english dictionary
truf·fle — … Useful english dictionary
Bani Truf — The Bani Truf tribe lives in Ahwaz, in the south west of Iran and near the Iraqi border. They are originally from Yemen and are part of Tayy tribe. It is not clear what time they came to Ahwaz area and it has been estimated that up to three… … Wikipedia
Transferable Underwriting Facility - TRUF — A type of underwriting facility that deals in Euro notes. Transferable underwriting facilities allow project managers to transfer their Euro note underwriting commitments to other parties. The receiving party then assumes all responsibility for… … Investment dictionary
truffle — truf•fle [[t]ˈtrʌf əl, ˈtru fəl[/t]] n. 1) fng any of several subterranean, edible, ascomycetous fungi of the genus Tuber[/ex] 2) fng any of various similar fungi of other genera 3) coo a ball shaped candy of soft chocolate dusted with cocoa •… … From formal English to slang
Truffaut, François — Truf·faut (tro͞o fōʹ), François. 1932 1984. French New Wave filmmaker whose works include The 400 Blows (1959) and Jules and Jim (1961). * * * born Feb. 6, 1932, Paris, France died Oct. 21, 1984, Neuilly sur Seine, near Paris French film director … Universalium
truffa — trùf·fa s.f. AD TS dir. 1. reato commesso da chi ricava illecito profitto a danno di altri, avendoli indotti in errore con artifici e raggiri: commettere una truffa 2. estens., frode, imbroglio, inganno Sinonimi: bidonata, fregatura, frode,… … Dizionario italiano
truffaldina — truf·fal·dì·na s.f. → truffaldino … Dizionario italiano
truffaldino — truf·fal·dì·no agg., s.m. CO 1. agg., s.m., che, chi ha l abitudine di truffare, imbroglione: un commerciante truffaldino, non fidarti di quel truffaldino! 2. agg., che ha lo scopo di truffare, poco chiaro, disonesto: impresa, azione truffaldina… … Dizionario italiano