- tryd
- bo·tryd·i·um;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Prize Playing — A Prize Playing (abbreviated Prizing) is a test of martial skill that originated in Renaissance England with the London based Corporation of Masters of the Noble Science of Defence. It involves several dozen bouts against continually refreshing… … Wikipedia
Hubert-François Gravelot — Hubert François Bourguignon, called Gravelot (26 March 1699 20 April 1773), was a French engraver, a famous book illustrator, [ He belongs to the group of vignettistes who are better known for their contribution to book illustration than for… … Wikipedia
troëne — (tro ê n ) s. m. Genre de la famille des oléacées ; il se compose d arbrisseaux et de petits arbres originaires du nord et du centre de l Europe et des régions tempérées de l Asie orientale. Le troëne commun, ligustrum vulgare, L. arbrisseau… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
bo — aero·em·bo·lism; al·bo·ci·ne·re·ous; al·bo·lite; al·bo·ra·da; al·bo·ran·ite; am·bo·cep·tor; am·bo·coe·lia; am·bo·mal·le·al; am·bo·sex·u·al; amet·a·bo·lia; am·mo·ni·o·bo·rite; amoe·bo·bac·ter; amoe·bo·cyte; amoe·bo·ge·ni·ae; amoe·bo·tae·nia;… … English syllables
botrydium — bo·tryd·i·um … English syllables
um — abe·ce·dar·i·um; ab·sin·thi·um; acan·tho·cyb·i·um; ac·a·ri·nar·i·um; ac·a·ro·ce·cid·i·um; acera·the·ri·um; ach·ro·ma·ti·um; acon·ti·um; ac·ri·din·i·um; ac·ro·tar·si·um; ac·tin·i·um; ac·ti·no·sphae·ri·um; ac·ti·no·trich·i·um; ac·ti·no·ura·ni·um;… … English syllables
Alp — (ALP) Variations: Alb, Alf, ALFEMOE, Alpdaemon, Alpen, Alpes, Alpmann, APSARAS, BOCKSHEXE, BOCKSMARTE, Cauquemare, Chauche Vieille, Dochje, DOCKELE, Dockeli, Doggi, Druckerl, DRUDE, Drut, Drutt, ELBE, Fraueli, Inuus, LEETON, Lork, Maar, MAHR,… … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
tried-and-true — /truyd n trooh /, adj. tested and found to be reliable or workable. [1930 35] * * * tried and true «TRYD uhn TROO», adjective. tested and found to be true over a period of time; proven; dependable: »He believed in the tried and true American… … Useful english dictionary
e|lec|tride — «ih LEHK tryd», noun. any of a class of chemical compounds formed with atoms of metallic elements joined by unpaired electrons, analogous to sodium chloride. ╂[< electr(on) + ide] … Useful english dictionary
ni|tride — «NY tryd, trihd», noun, verb, trid|ed, trid|ing. –n. a compound of nitrogen with a more electropositive element or radical, such as phosphorus, boron, or a metal. –v.t. to transform into a nitride, as the surface of steel. ╂[< nitr(ogen) +… … Useful english dictionary