- tumn
- au·tumn;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
au|tumn — « tuhm», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the season of the year between summer and winter; fall. 2. Figurative. a time of maturity and the beginning of decay: »the autumn of life. –adj. of autumn; coming in autumn; in autumn: »autumn leaves, autumn… … Useful english dictionary
Morse code mnemonics — Because associating letters and numbers with audible dits and dahs can be difficult, many people have developed mnemonics to help remember the Morse code equivalent of characters. Many different mnemonics can be created for the same subject… … Wikipedia
tomín — ► sustantivo masculino HISTORIA Antigua medida de peso, equivalente a 596 miligramos. * * * tomín (del ár. and. «túmn addárham», ochavo de adarme) 1 m. Unidad de *peso antigua, equivalente a algo más de medio gramo. 2 Pequeña *moneda de plata que … Enciclopedia Universal
Autumn — Au tumn, n. [L. auctumnus, autumnus, perh. fr. a root av to satisfy one s self: cf. F. automne. See {Avarice}.] 1. The third season of the year, or the season between summer and winter, often called the {fall}. Astronomically, it begins in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fall — Autumn Au tumn, n. [L. auctumnus, autumnus, perh. fr. a root av to satisfy one s self: cf. F. automne. See {Avarice}.] 1. The third season of the year, or the season between summer and winter, often called the {fall}. Astronomically, it begins in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
List of numbers in various languages — The following tables list the names and symbols for the numbers 0 through 10 in various languages and scripts of the world. Where possible, each language s native writing system is used, along with transliterations in Latin script and other… … Wikipedia
azumbre — (Del ár. at tumn, octava parte < tamaniya, ocho.) ► sustantivo masculino femenino METROLOGÍA Antigua medida de capacidad para líquidos, empleada en Castilla, equivalente a 2,016 litros. * * * azumbre (del ár. and. «aṯṯúmn», octava parte) amb … Enciclopedia Universal
autumn crocus — au·tumn cro·cus .ȯt əm krō kəs n an autumn blooming herb (Colchicum autumnale) of the lily family (Liliaceae) that is the source of medicinal colchicum … Medical dictionary
tomolo — tó·mo·lo s.m. TS metrol. 1. unità di superficie agraria di valore variabile, tuttora in uso in alcune zone dell Italia centromeridionale 2. misura di capacità per aridi, usata in passato nell Italia meridionale, equivalente a 55,5 l in Campania e … Dizionario italiano
autumn — au|tumn [ˈo:təm US ˈo: ] n also fall AmE [U and C] [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: autumnus] the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler ▪ autumn mists … Dictionary of contemporary English