- undecisiveness
- un·decisiveness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
undecisiveness — noun see undecisive … Useful english dictionary
fluctuation — n 1. vacillation, wavering, instability, unsteadiness; change, variation, alternation; hesitation, ambivalence, irresolution, indecision, undecisiveness, uncertainty, infirmity of purpose; fickleness, ca priciousness, changeableness. 2.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
oscillation — n 1. vibration, vibrating, swing, swinging, Astron. libration, seesawing, wigwagging, coming and going, moving to and fro, moving backward and forward; ebb and flow, rise and fall, flux and reflux. 2. single swing, sway, wave, stroke, beat. 3.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
shilly-shally — v 1. vacillate, yo yo, seesaw, teeter totter; waver, be indecisive, be irresolute, hesitate, hem and haw; go back and forth, fluctuate, oscillate, alternate, blow hot and cold, tergiversate, straddle the fence. n 2. irresolution, indecision,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
undecisive — /ʌndəˈsaɪsɪv/ (say unduh suysiv) adjective → indecisive. –undecisively, adverb –undecisiveness, noun …