- undesiring
- un·desiring
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
undesiring — adj. * * * … Universalium
undesiring — /ʌndəˈzaɪərɪŋ/ (say unduh zuyuhring) adjective not desiring …
undesiring — adjective having or feeling no desire a very private man, totally undesirous of public office • Syn: ↑undesirous • Ant: ↑desirous (for: ↑undesirous) … Useful english dictionary
hoping — 1. noun a) desiring b) being optimistic toward Syn: desiring, wanting, trusting Ant: undesiring, unwanting, untrusting 2. ad … Wiktionary
cold — adj 1. heatless, sunless, cool, chill, chilly, nippy, unheated, unwarmed; frigid, icy, algid, gelid, freezing, ice cold; frosty, wintry, brumal, hibernal, snowy, hoary, rimy; arctic, glacial, polar, hyperborean, hyperboreal, Siberian; bitter,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
cool — adj 1. chilly, chill, nippy, unheated, unwarmed, heatless, sunless; breezy, draughty, windy. 2. composed, collected, Inf. together, self possessed, self controlled; easy going, relaxed, even tempered, imperturbable, unexcitable, unflappable;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder