- unifacial
- uni·facial
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Unifacial — U ni*fa cial, a. [Uni + facial.] Having but one front surface; as, some foliaceous corals are unifacial, the polyp mouths being confined to one surface. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unifacial — adjective having but one principal or specialized surface a primitive unifacial flint tool • Similar to: ↑unidirectional … Useful english dictionary
Unifacial cambium — The unifacial cambium produces cells to the interior of its cylinder. These cells differentiate into xylem tissue. Unlike the more common bifacial cambium found in later woody plants, the unifacial cambium does not produce phloem to its exterior … Wikipedia
unifacial — u·ni·fa·cial (yo͞o nə fāʹshəl) adj. 1. Having, presenting, or oriented toward a single face. 2. Archaeology. Flaked in such a way as to produce a cutting edge that is sharp on one side only. Used of a stone tool. u ni·faʹcial·ly adv. * * * … Universalium
unifacial — adjective a) Having, or showing, a single face. b) Having only one principal or specialized surface or edge … Wiktionary
uniface ou unifacial, unifaciale, unifaciaux — ● uniface ou unifacial, unifaciale, unifaciaux adjectif Se dit d un outil préhistorique taillé sur un seul côté … Encyclopédie Universelle
Uniface — In archeology, a uniface is a specific type of stone tool that has been flaked on one surface only. Such tools can be placed into two general classes: 1) modified flakes and 2) formalized tools, which display deliberate, systematic modification… … Wikipedia
Evolutionary history of plants — Plants have evolved through increasing levels of complexity, from the earliest algal mats, through bryophytes, lycopods, ferns and gymnosperms to the complex angiosperms of today. While the simple plants continue to thrive, especially in the… … Wikipedia
J&J Hunt Submerged Archaeological Site — J J Hunt Site (8JE740) is an prehistoric archaeological site located 6 km off the coast of northwestern Florida. The site which was discovered in 1989 is located in 3.7 to 4.6 m of salt water in the Gulf of Mexico along the PaleoAucilla River. In … Wikipedia
Iridaceae — Schwertliliengewächse Bastard Schwertlilie (Iris spuria) Systematik Überabteilung: Samenpflanzen (Spermatophyta) … Deutsch Wikipedia