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  • Universalism — can be classified as a religion, theology and philosophy that generally holds all persons and creatures are related to God or the Divine and will be reconciled to God. A church or community that calls itself Universalist may emphasize the… …   Wikipedia

  • universalism — UNIVERSALÍSM s.n. (Rar) Universalitate. – Din fr. universalisme. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  UNIVERSALÍSM s. universalitate. (universalismul preocupărilor sale.) Trimis de siveco, 03.03.2009. Sursa: Sinonime  universalísm s. n …   Dicționar Român

  • Universalism — U ni*ver sal*ism, n. [Cf. F. universalisme.] (Theol.) The doctrine or belief that all men will be saved, or made happy, in the future state. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • universalism — 1805, from UNIVERSAL (Cf. universal) + ISM (Cf. ism) …   Etymology dictionary

  • universalism — [yo͞on΄ə vʉr′səliz΄əm] n. 1. UNIVERSALITY 2. [U ] the theological doctrine that all souls will eventually find salvation in the grace of God …   English World dictionary

  • universalism — /yooh neuh verr seuh liz euhm/, n. 1. universal character; universality. 2. a universal range of knowledge, interests, or activities. 3. (cap.) the doctrine that emphasizes the universal fatherhood of God and the final salvation of all souls. Cf …   Universalium

  • Universalism —    In Protestant theological discourse, Universalism holds that all humans will eventually become heirs of the salvation offered in Christ, some immediately after death and others after a period of recompense for their sin. Universalism arose out …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • universalism — The belief that all human beings will ultimately share in the grace of God s salvation. The NT evidence is unclear. Paul maintains that faithful Christians are preordained to salvation (Rom. 8:29) but does not assert that others are preordained… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Universalism — synonym for moral universalism, as a compromise between moral relativism and moral absolutism …   Mini philosophy glossary

  • Universalism (disambiguation) — Universalism refers to any concept or doctrine that applies to all persons and/or all things for all times and in all situations, and may mean different things depending on the field:In religion, theology*see Universalism In philosophy*For… …   Wikipedia

  • universalism — noun Date: 1805 1. often capitalized a. a theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved b. the principles and practices of a liberal Christian denomination founded in the 18th century originally to uphold belief in universal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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