- unrequitable
- un·re·quit·able
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
unrequitable — adj. * * * … Universalium
unrequitable — |ənrə̇|kwīd.əbəl, rē| adjective Etymology: un (I) + requite + able : incapable of being requited : not returnable in kind … Useful english dictionary
Miss Julie — This article is about the play by Strindberg, for other works see Miss Julie (disambiguation). Photograph of the first production in Stockholm of Miss Julie in November 1906, at The People s Theatre. Sacha Sjöström (left) as Kristin, Manda… … Wikipedia
List of characters in Sin City — Sin City is the title for a series of stories by Frank Miller, told in comic book form in a film noir like style.Listed below are the major and minor characters.Male Protagonists*Marv, a tough, violent, big bruiser of a man, who has an uncanny… … Wikipedia
Carrie Etter — Dr. Carrie Etter (1969 ) is an American poet, originally from Normal, Illinois, who moved to Southern California at the age of 19 and on to London in 2001. She is currently an Associate Lecturer at Bath Spa University [… … Wikipedia
un|re|quit|a|ble — «UHN rih KWY tuh buhl», adjective. that cannot be requited; unreturnable: »Britain owes an unrequitable debt to the work of the famous Temporary National Economic Committee (Manchester Guardian Weekly) … Useful english dictionary