

English syllables. 2014.

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  • upraiser — noun see upraise I …   Useful english dictionary

  • upraise — upraiser, n. /up rayz /, v.t., upraised, upraising. 1. to raise up; lift or elevate. 2. to raise from a depressed or dejected humor; cheer. [1250 1300; ME upreisen. See UP , RAISE] * * * …   Universalium

  • lift — v 1. hoist, heave, upheave, boost, pull up, pry up, lever; elevate, raise, raise up, upraise, uplift, set up, put up, place up, pick up, set upright, upright, set on its feet, stand [s.t.] up; cast up, thrust up, hold up, uphold, raise high, loft …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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