- varicoid
- var·i·coid
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
varicoid — SYN: variciform. * * * var·i·coid (varґĭ koid) [varico + oid] resembling a varix; called also variciform … Medical dictionary
varicoid — ˈvarəˌkȯid adjective Etymology: varic + oid : resembling a varix … Useful english dictionary
variciform — Resembling a varix. SYN: cirsoid, varicoid. * * * var·ic·i·form (var isґĭ form) 1. varicoid. 2. varicose … Medical dictionary
cirsoid — SYN: variciform. [G. kirsos, varix, + eidos, appearance] * * * cir·soid sər .sȯid adj resembling a dilated tortuous vein <a cirsoid aneurysm of the scalp> * * * adj. describing the distended knotted appearance of a varicose vein. The term… … Medical dictionary