- varohío
- va·ro·hío
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
varohío — ˌvärəˈhē(ˌ)ō noun (plural varohío or varohíos) Usage: usually capitalized 1. : a Taracahitian people of the Río Mayo valley between the states of Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico 2. : a member of the Varohío people … Useful english dictionary
northern Mexican Indian — ▪ people Introduction member of any of the aboriginal peoples inhabiting northern Mexico. The generally accepted ethnographic definition of northern Mexico includes that portion of the country roughly north of a convex line extending from… … Universalium
guasapar — |gwäsə|pär noun (plural guasapar or guasapars) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Spanish guazapar, guaziper, of American Indian origin 1. : a Varohío people of Chihuahua, Mexico 2. : a member of the Guasapar people … Useful english dictionary