- ventrolateral
- ven·tro·lateral
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ventrolateral — Relativo a la parte del cuerpo opuesta a la espalda y alejada de la línea media. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
ventrolateral — [ven΄trōlat′ər əl] adj. [ VENTRO + LATERAL] of or involving both the ventral and lateral surfaces … English World dictionary
Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus — The ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) is a group of neurons in the hypothalamus. They are primarily active during Non rapid eye movement sleep, and inhibit other neurons that are involved in wakefulness. The VLPO neurons release the… … Wikipedia
ventrolateral — adjective Date: circa 1836 ventral and lateral … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ventrolateral — Die Lage und Richtungsbezeichnungen dienen in der Anatomie zur Beschreibung der Position (situs), der Lage (versio) und des Verlaufs einzelner Strukturen. Zum Teil sind diese Bezeichnungen auch Bestandteil anatomischer Namen. Während sich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ventrolateral — the region between the ventral and lateral surfaces; the lower side of the body … Dictionary of ichthyology
ventrolateral — adj. [L. venter, belly; latus, side] Of or pertaining to the area ventrally and to the side … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ventrolateral — ventrolaterally, adv. /ven troh lat euhr euhl/, adj. Anat., Zool. of, pertaining to, or affecting the front and side. [1825 35; VENTRO + LATERAL] * * * … Universalium
ventrolateral — adjective Both ventral and lateral … Wiktionary
ventrolateral — Both ventral and lateral, i.e., to the front and to the side. * * * ven·tro·lat·er·al .ven .trō lat ə rəl, la trəl adj ventral and lateral ven·tro·lat·er·al·ly ē adv * * * ven·tro·lat·er·al (ven″tro latґər əl) both ventral and… … Medical dictionary