- vicariism
- vi·cari·ism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
vicariism — vīˈka(a)rēˌizəm noun ( s) Etymology: vicarious + ism : the quality or state of being vicarious the tendency of some genera to exhibit vicariism … Useful english dictionary
In-game advertising — (IGA) refers to the use of computer and video games as a medium in which to deliver advertising. In 2005, spending on in game advertising was USD$56 million, and this figure is estimated to grow to $1.8 billion by 2010 according to Massive… … Wikipedia
Léon Camille Marius Croizat — Leon Croizat (1894 1982) Italian biogeographer.LifeLeon Croizat Chaley was the son of French parents, and was born in 1894 in Torino, Italy, where he studied Law, in spite of his great aptitude for the natural sciences. After obtaining his degree … Wikipedia
Круаза, Леон — Леон Круаза Leon Croizat Chaley К … Википедия
Круаза — Круаза, Леон Леон Круаза Leon Croizat Chaley Круаза Space, Time, Form: The Biological synthesis (1962) … Википедия
Круаза Леон — Леон Круаза Leon Croizat Chaley Круаза Space, Time, Form: The Biological synthesis (1962) Род деятельности: биогеограф, ботаник … Википедия
Леон Круаза — Leon Croizat Chaley Круаза Space, Time, Form: The Biological synthesis (1962) Род деятельности: биогеограф, ботаник … Википедия
vicarious — vicariously, adv. vicariousness, vicariism, n. /vuy kair ee euhs, vi /, adj. 1. performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment. 2. taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a… … Universalium
Léon Croizat — (1964) Leon Camille Marius Croizat (July 16, 1894 November 30, 1982) was a French Italian scholar and botanist who developed a synthesis of evolution of biological form over space, in time, which he named Panbiogeography. Contents … Wikipedia
Otto Kleinschmidt — (1870–1954) was a German theologist, pastor and ornithologist. He introduced a typological species concept into German ornithology. His Formenkreis theory influenced the early ideas of Erwin Stresemann.[1][2] Others have considered him one of the … Wikipedia