- virustatic
- vi·rus·tat·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
virustatic — vi·ru·stat·ic .vī rə stat ik adj VIROSTATIC * * * viru·stat·ic (vir″u statґik) virostatic … Medical dictionary
virustatic — |vīrə|stad.ik adjective Etymology: New Latin virus + English static : tending to check the growth of viruses … Useful english dictionary
virostatic — vi·ro·stat·ic .vī rə stat ik adj tending to check the growth of viruses <a virostatic agent> * * * vi·ro·stat·ic (vi″ro statґik) 1. said of an antiviral agent that inhibits the replication of viruses. 2. an agent that inhibits the… … Medical dictionary