- weekly
- week·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
weekly — UK US /ˈwiːkli/ adjective ► happening once a week or every week: »a weekly magazine/newspaper/report »a weekly budget/meeting/payment »The account pays 5.09% gross a year, but the rate is updated on a weekly basis. weekly earnings/income… … Financial and business terms
Weekly ST — is a weekly newspaper published by The Japan Times for learners of English language. It is originally titled as Student Times, but changed to the current one to reflect the fact that a significant portion of its readers are not students. It has… … Wikipedia
Weekly — Week ly, a. 1. Of or pertaining to a week, or week days; as, weekly labor. [1913 Webster] 2. Coming, happening, or done once a week; hebdomadary; as, a weekly payment; a weekly gazette. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
weekly — [wēk′lē] adj. 1. done, happening, payable, etc. once a week, or every week [a weekly visit] 2. of a week, or of each week [a weekly wage] adv. once a week; every week n. pl. weeklies a periodical published once a week … English World dictionary
Weekly — Week ly, adv. Once a week; by hebdomadal periods; as, each performs service weekly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
weekly — mid 15c. (adv.); late 15c. (adj.), from WEEK (Cf. week) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). As a noun meaning weekly newspaper it is recorded from 1833 … Etymology dictionary
Weekly — Week ly, n.; pl. {Weeklies}. A publication issued once in seven days, or appearing once a week. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
weekly — ► ADJECTIVE 1) done, produced, or occurring once a week. 2) calculated in terms of a week. ► ADVERB ▪ once a week. ► NOUN (pl. weekies) ▪ a newspaper or periodical issued every week … English terms dictionary
weekly — [[t]wi͟ːkli[/t]] ♦♦♦ weeklies 1) ADJ: ADJ n A weekly event or publication happens or appears once a week or every week. Each course comprises 10 12 informal weekly meetings... We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday... His story was… … English dictionary
weekly — week|ly1 [ wikli ] adjective ** happening every week: weekly meetings a. published once a week: a weekly newspaper/magazine b. relating to a period of one week: weekly pay/rent weekly week|ly 2 [ wikli ] noun count a newspaper or magazine that is … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
weekly — I UK [ˈwiːklɪ] / US [ˈwɪklɪ] adjective ** happening every week weekly meetings a) published once a week a weekly newspaper/magazine b) relating to a period of one week weekly pay/rent II UK [ˈwiːklɪ] / US [ˈwɪklɪ] noun [countable] Word forms… … English dictionary