- wohlfahrtia
- wohl·fahr·tia
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
wohlfahrtia — ● wohlfahrtia nom féminin Mouche commune d Europe orientale, dont la larve se développe souvent dans les plaies ou les cavités naturelles chez l homme et chez les animaux, causant des myiases très graves … Encyclopédie Universelle
Wohlfahrtia — A genus of larviparous dipterous fleshflies (family Sarcophagidae), of which some species larvae breed in ulcerated surfaces and flesh wounds of humans and animals. Important species include W. magnifica, a widely distributed obligatory fleshfly… … Medical dictionary
wohlfahrtia — vōlˈfärd.ēə noun Etymology: New Latin, perhaps modification (influenced by German wohlfahrt welfare) of Peter Wolfart died 1726 German medical writer + Latin ia 1. capitalized : a genus of larviparous sarcophagid flies that commonly deposit their … Useful english dictionary
wohlfahrtia — n. genus of flesh flies that cause myiasis in humans and animals … English contemporary dictionary
Wohlfahrtia — n. a genus of non bloodsucking flies. Females of the species W. magnifica and W. vigil deposit their parasitic maggots in wounds and the openings of the body. This causes myiasis, particularly in children … The new mediacal dictionary
wohlfahrtia magnifica — (F. Wohlfahrt, нем. врач 18 в.) см. Вольфартова муха … Большой медицинский словарь
Wohlfahrtia magnifica — a species found in Russia and the Middle East that causes wound myiasis … Medical dictionary
Wohlfahrtia opaca — a North American species that causes cutaneous myiasis … Medical dictionary
Wohlfahrtia vigil — a North American species that causes cutaneous myiasis … Medical dictionary
Вольфартиоз — Wohlfahrtia magnifica Вольфартиоз (лат. wohlfahrtiosis) энтомоз человека и животных, вызываемый личинками вольфартовой мухи при развитии её в ранах … Википедия