- binomen
- bi·no·men
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Binomen — Als Binomen wird in der Lexikologie ein zweiteiliger Name (binäre Nomenklatur) bezeichnet, etwa die Zusammensetzung von Vornamen und Familiennamen, die in den meisten Kulturen üblich ist. Binomina bestehen aus zwei Substantiven oder Substantiv… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Binomen — In zoology, a binomen, or binominal name, is the name of a species. The term was introduced in 1953.A binomen is a name consisting of two names: generic name and specific name. Both names are typeset in italics, but only the generic name is… … Wikipedia
binomen — the combination of a generic (first word with its initial letter capitalised) and a specific name (second word, always lower case) which together constitute the scientific name of a species; any interpolated names are not counted as components of … Dictionary of ichthyology
binomen — n. [L. bis, two; nomen, name] The scientific designation of a species, consisting of a generic and a specific name; see binominal nomenclature, trinominal nomenclature … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
binomen — noun a) A name having two parts. b) A scientific name at the rank of species, with two terms: a generic name and a specific name. Syn: binomial, binomial name, binominal … Wiktionary
binomen — /baɪˈnoʊmən/ (say buy nohmuhn) noun (plural binomens or binomina /baɪˈnoʊmənə/ (say buy nohmuhnuh)) Botany, Zoology a biological name consisting of two terms, denoting respectively genus and species, as Panthera leo, the lion. –binominal… …
binomen — … Useful english dictionary
binomial name — binomen … Dictionary of ichthyology
Binäre Nomenklatur — Linnés Bildnis wenige Jahre vor seinem Tod. Gemalt von Alexander Roslin (1775) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Carl Linnaeus — Linnés Bildnis wenige Jahre vor seinem Tod. Gemalt von Alexander Roslin (1775) … Deutsch Wikipedia