- xiphihumeralis
- xiphi·hu·mer·alis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
xiphihumeralis — |zifēˌhyüməˈralə̇s, rāl , räl noun Etymology: New Latin, from xiph + humeralis humeral, from humerus + Latin alis al : a muscle in some mammals that extends from the xiphoid cartilage to the proximal end of the humerus * * * xiphihumeralis / i hū … Useful english dictionary
xiphihumeralis — noun A long, flat strip of pectoral muscle comprising a band of parallel fibres, found in felines … Wiktionary
Cat anatomy — In this section the major parts of a cat s body and their special adaptive features are discuss. Contents 1 Mouth 2 Ears 3 Nose 4 Legs 5 Claws … Wikipedia
Pectoral muscles (cat) — There are four pectoral muscles in a cat: pectoantibranchialis, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, and xiphihumeralis.PectoantebrachialisPectoantebrachialis muscle is just one half inch wide, and is the most superficial in the pectoral muscles.… … Wikipedia