- zjik
- mu·zjik;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mu|zjik — mu|zhik or mu|zjik «moo ZHIHK, MOO zhihk», noun. 1. a Russian peasant: »Until the end of…the thirteenth century, the Russian muzhik…was free (Newsweek). 2. U.S. Slang. any Russian. Also, moujik, mujik. ╂[< Russian … Useful english dictionary
mu — abend·mu·sik; ac·cu·mu·la·ble; ac·cu·mu·la·tion; ac·cu·mu·la·tive; ac·cu·mu·la·tor; ae·mu·la·tio; aka·mu·shi; al·mu·can·tar; an·o·mu·ra; bu·li·mu·li·dae; chi·co·mu·cel·tec; com·mu·na; com·mu·nal; com·mu·nal·ism; com·mu·nal·ist; com·mu·nal·i·ty;… … English syllables
muzjik — mu·zjik … English syllables
muzhik — mu•zhik or mu•zjik [[t]muˈʒɪk, ˈmu ʒɪk[/t]] n. a Russian peasant • Etymology: 1560–70; < Russ muzhík, der. of muzh husband, man … From formal English to slang
mu|zhik — or mu|zjik «moo ZHIHK, MOO zhihk», noun. 1. a Russian peasant: »Until the end of…the thirteenth century, the Russian muzhik…was free (Newsweek). 2. U.S. Slang. any Russian. Also, moujik, mujik. ╂[< Russian … Useful english dictionary