- zón
- dan·zón;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
zon — zon·al; zon·ate; zon·da; zon·ta; zon·ule; hiz·zon·er; men·a·zon; zon·ian; bla·zon; ho·ri·zon; hor·i·zon·tal; my·zon; am·a·zon·stone; em·bla·zon·er; hor·i·zon·tal·ly; pet·ro·my·zon·toid; zon·al·ly; zon·at·ed; … English syllables
zon — ⇒ZON, onomat. Fam., parfois vieilli. [Onomat. qui exprime le bruit d un coup, le son d un instrument à cordes, un bourdonnement répété] J entends chanter:Et flon flon flon et zon zon zon... C est la grosse voix de mon cousin Léonidas, qui chante… … Encyclopédie Universelle
zon´al|ly — zon|al «ZOH nuhl», adjective. 1. of a zone; having to do with zones. 2. divided into zones; characterized by or arranged in zones, circles, or rings. 3. of the nature of or forming a zone. 4. marked with zones or circular bands of color. Certain… … Useful english dictionary
zon|al — «ZOH nuhl», adjective. 1. of a zone; having to do with zones. 2. divided into zones; characterized by or arranged in zones, circles, or rings. 3. of the nature of or forming a zone. 4. marked with zones or circular bands of color. Certain… … Useful english dictionary
zon|da — «ZON duh; Spanish SAWN dah», noun. a wind of the foehn type in the Argentine pampas. ╂[< American Spanish zonda, perhaps < a native word] … Useful english dictionary
Zon|ti|an — «ZON tee uhn», noun. a member of Zonta International, a service club of executive business and professional women founded in 1919 to promote civic and social welfare, with emphasis on the advancement of girls and women … Useful english dictionary
-zón — Forma del sufijo « ción»: ‘comezón, desazón, ligazón’ … Enciclopedia Universal
zon|a|ry — «ZOH nuhr ee», adjective. 1. occurring in a zone or zones. 2. having the form of a zone or girdle … Useful english dictionary
Zon|i|an — «ZOH nee uhn», noun. an American citizen who was a native or inhabitant of the Panama Canal Zone … Useful english dictionary
zon — dial. form of son … Useful english dictionary
ZON TV — Logo de la ZON Multimédia Création 1994 Slogan « … Wikipédia en Français