- zygosporic
- zy·go·spor·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
zygosporic — adjective see zygospore … Useful english dictionary
zygospore — zygosporic /zuy geuh spawr ik, spor , zig euh /, adj. /zuy geuh spawr , spohr , zig euh /, n. Bot., Mycol. a cell formed by fusion of two similar gametes, as in certain algae and fungi. [1860 65; ZYGO + SPORE] * * * … Universalium
zygospore — [zī′gə spôr΄ zig′əspôr΄] n. [ ZYGO + SPORE] Bot. a thick walled, resting spore formed by conjugation of two isogametes, as in certain primitive fungi and certain green algae zygosporic [zī′gōspôr′ik, zī gəspôr′ik, zig′əspôr′ik] adj … English World dictionary