- ble-gab
- gib·ble-gab·ble;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
gib|ble-gab|ble — «GIHB uhl GAB uhl», noun. senseless chatter; gibberish … Useful english dictionary
gab — gab·ar·dine; gab·bai; gab·bard; gab·ble·ment; gab·bler; gab·ble; gab·bro; gab·broid; gab·by; gab·er·dine; gab·er·lun·zie; gab·fest; gab·gab; gab·gab; gab·lock; gab; nash·gab; gab·ber; gab·bart; gab·bro·ic; gab·bro·it·ic; … English syllables
gab|ble — «GAB uhl», verb, bled, bling, noun. –v.i. 1. to talk rapidly and noisily with little or no meaning; jabber: »We were nervous of Mr. Cookeem, feeling we had not the correct entrée or visa as he waited while customers were served and he and they… … Useful english dictionary
gab´bler — gab|ble «GAB uhl», verb, bled, bling, noun. –v.i. 1. to talk rapidly and noisily with little or no meaning; jabber: »We were nervous of Mr. Cookeem, feeling we had not the correct entrée or visa as he waited while customers were served and he and … Useful english dictionary
ble — ab·di·ca·ble; abom·i·na·ble; abus·a·ble; ac·ces·si·ble; ac·com·mo·da·ble; ac·cost·a·ble; ac·cu·mu·la·ble; ac·cus·a·ble; ace·to·sol·u·ble; achie·va·ble; acid·i·fi·a·ble; ac·knowl·edge·a·ble; act·a·ble; ac·ti·va·ble; ac·tu·al·iz·a·ble; add·a·ble;… … English syllables
gab·ble — … Useful english dictionary
gib — flib·ber·ti·gib·bet; gib·ber·el·la; gib·ber·el·lic; gib·ber·el·lin; gib·ble gab·ble; gib·bles; gib·bon; gib·bon·oid; gib·bose; gib·bos·i·ty; gib·bous; gib·bus; gib·e·on·ite; gib·er; gib; gib·ing·ly; gib·leh; gib·let; gib·son; gib·ber;… … English syllables
gibble-gabble — gib·ble gab·ble … English syllables
Blechschaden — Blẹch|scha|den 〈m. 4u〉 Schaden an der Karosserie des Kraftwagens ● bei dem Unfall gab es nur Blechschaden * * * Blẹch|scha|den, der (Kfz Wesen): leichter Unfallschaden, der nur die Karosserie eines [Personen]wagens betrifft. * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
gabble — gab•ble [[t]ˈgæb əl[/t]] v. bled, bling, n. 1) to speak or converse rapidly and unintelligibly; jabber 2) (of hens, geese, etc.) to cackle 3) to utter rapidly and unintelligibly 4) rapid, unintelligible talk 5) any quick succession of meaningless … From formal English to slang