

English syllables. 2014.

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  • skim|ble-skam|ble — or skim|ble scam|ble «SKIHM buhl SKAM buhl, SKIHM uhl SKAM uhl», adjective, noun. Archaic. –adj. rambling; confused; silly: »Such a deal of skimble scamble stuff, as puts me from my faith (Shakespeare). –n. nonsense; gabble …   Useful english dictionary

  • ble — ab·di·ca·ble; abom·i·na·ble; abus·a·ble; ac·ces·si·ble; ac·com·mo·da·ble; ac·cost·a·ble; ac·cu·mu·la·ble; ac·cus·a·ble; ace·to·sol·u·ble; achie·va·ble; acid·i·fi·a·ble; ac·knowl·edge·a·ble; act·a·ble; ac·ti·va·ble; ac·tu·al·iz·a·ble; add·a·ble;… …   English syllables

  • skim|ble-scam|ble — skim|ble skam|ble or skim|ble scam|ble «SKIHM buhl SKAM buhl, SKIHM uhl SKAM uhl», adjective, noun. Archaic. –adj. rambling; confused; silly: »Such a deal of skimble scamble stuff, as puts me from my faith (Shakespeare). –n. nonsense; gabble …   Useful english dictionary

  • scam|ble — «SKAM buhl», intransitive verb, transitive verb, bled, bling, noun. Archaic. scramble. ╂[origin uncertain; perhaps related to scramble] …   Useful english dictionary

  • skim — skim; skim·mel·ton; skim·mia; skim·ming; skim·ming·ly; skim·ming·ton; skim·mi·ty; skim·ble skam·ble; skim·mer; skim·mer·ton; …   English syllables

  • skimble-skamble — skim·ble skam·ble …   English syllables

  • East End and West End of Oslo — A map of central Oslo. Uelands gate, the traditional boundary line between the East End and the West End, is marked in black. The East End and West End (Norwegian: Østkanten og Vestkanten) are used as names for the two parts of Oslo, Norway,… …   Wikipedia

  • Gott — 1. Ach du grosser Gott, was lässt du für kleine Kartoffeln wachsen! – Frischbier2, 1334. 2. Ach Gott, ach Gott, seggt Leidig s Lott, all Jahr e Kind on kein Mann! (Insterburg.) – Frischbier2, 1335. 3. Ach, du lieber Gott, gib unserm Herrn ein n… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • Hunger — 1. Aus Hunger stehlen ist keine Sünde. – Eiselein, 334. Böhm.: Dluh kormoutí, a hlad krade. (Čelakovsky, 188.) Lat.: Viro esurienti necesse est furari. ( Eiselein, 334.) 2. Beim Hunger dient allzeit der beste Koch. – Winckler, XV, 88. 3. Das ist… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

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