- boggart
- bog·gart
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Boggart — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Boggart es una criatura de origen celta anglosajón. Se manifiesta de distintas maneras, ya que según la tradición, adopta la forma del temor más grande de sus víctimas. Descripción El término Boggart proviene de… … Wikipedia Español
Boggart — In English folklore, a boggart (or bogart ) is a household spirit which causes things to disappear, milk to sour, and dogs to go lame. Always malevolent, the boggart will follow its family wherever they flee. In Northern England, at least, there… … Wikipedia
Boggart — Les boggarts (ou bwcas, bogan, bogle, boggle) sont issus du folklore britannique. Ils y sont décrits comme des nains hideux, velus et malveillants. On raconte souvent d eux qu ils hantent les landes et dévastent les chaumières sans raison valable … Wikipédia en Français
boggart — In the dialects of northern counties, boggart was a general term for any supernatural being which frightened people, whether indoors or out, without specifying whether it is ghost, malicious fairy, or minor demon. An outdoor boggart might… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Boggart — Un boggart (en la saga de libros de Harry Potter) es una criatura mágica, que no posee forma definida, sino que se transforma en lo que más teme la persona que esté frente a él. Se esconden generalmente en lugares oscuros, como roperos, debajo de … Enciclopedia Universal
boggart — a spectre ; to take boggart, said of a horse that starts at any object in the hedge or road. N … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
Boggart Hole Clough — is a large urban park in Blackley, a district of Manchester, England. It occupies an area of approximately 76 hectares, part of an ancient woodland, with picturesque cloughs varying from steep ravines to sloping gullies. Clough is a local dialect … Wikipedia
Boggart Hole Brook — is a river in Greater Manchester in north west England and a tributary of the River Irk. The brook rises in Boggart Hole Clough near the main lake. It flows west through the clough and then under Rochdale Road and Slack Road in Blackley before… … Wikipedia
boggart — I Yorkshire Dialect Ghost, Spectre II Cleveland Dialect List a hobgoblin, a sprite … English dialects glossary
boggart — n. specter; goblin, bugbear, goblin that eats naughty children (Folklore) … English contemporary dictionary
boggart — [ bɒgət] noun Scottish & N. English an evil or mischievous spirit. Origin C16: related to obs. bog bugbear , boggle, and bogle … English new terms dictionary